Twilight Shots

Adding a twilight shot as your primary listing photo demands the attention of your prospective buyers. When your buyers are searching online, they enter their search parameters and view a list of homes that only show the primary Listing photo. This individual photo is the most important listing photo! It is the photo that dictates what the buyers first impression will be of your property…and first impression are everything! It is also the image that sticks with the buyer the most when they think back on the properties they are interested in. Some say, “a photo is worth a thousand words”. We say, “a photo is worth a thousand dollars!”. Below is a high quality Daytime photo (Shot in our regular shoot packages) and a Twilight Shot of the same property (separate pricing). The daytime shot is very nice, but when viewed next to the Twilight shot….well, see for yourself. The twilight photo gives you that warm and fuzzy “I want to buy this house” feeling.

Daylight . . .

Twilight . . .

As you can see, the twilight photo has a certain warmth to it. The colors are very rich and it has a way of creating mood. Twilight photos do take time to set up, and obviously have to be taken in a certain time window, when the light is at its best. With our twilight shots, we use several long exposure times and fuse multiple exposures together in post processing to create a stunning shot! See the pricing page for rates.

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